Well I'll be ding dong damned. Ya did it!
Well I'll be ding dong damned. Ya did it!
Took 2 months but it's finally done!
Shoulda listened to the advice about using a smaller canvas though lol
It started to get real hard to take out the drawing tab
when I was around the 70-80th drawing
I'll be sure to add some veiled digs at you when I hit you back, just to make sure the exchange is complete.
give me all the head pats
How 龍 did this take, eh? (get it? huh? do you get it?)
Ayy I got that LOL Tyy that was great, it took me an hour
He's an isometric gamer. He only plays Disgaea and Diablo. This is his room.
Who needs anything else when you have Diablo?
謝謝 thanks
Hey look Tomar it's myeuuu~
This is cute, and cool, and nice, and well done, and I like it.
I'm glad you like it!
Do you do tutorials or have someone whose method you use? I gotta know your construction process for shoes.
Lots of reference image use as well as trial and error. Newgrounds Discord is hosting me to explain my art process. The date was supposed to be tomorrow (might change because organizing so many people is hard), but pop in there if you can and I can probably explain it better.
These new community TF2 maps are getting a little out of control.
hhahahah xD
Title sounds really fun in mandarin. 包子小時 Baozi Xiaoshi sounds like a kid's show. 😂
sounds adorable! love the idea!
Game Artist
Joined on 6/11/20