Love how Slice-of-Life this is
Love how Slice-of-Life this is
ohohohoh, I do eventually notice most Waha references.
Thank goodness this is wholesome and not something lewd like them shaking hands
Good to see you back in full force this year! Missed your work.
That means so much! thank you, yeah im ngl i dipped out for too long its nice to be home lol
Good job youse guys
Yoooooo!!! This freakin rocks!!! Thanks so much <3
Brown smithers, deep lore
There's "fake it til you make it"
But real heads know it's all about "try really hard and eat shit"
Uh oh, someone's got that Elden Ring Flame of Frenzy
Reminds me of Persona 4's Take-Mikazuchi (in a good way)
Game Artist
Joined on 6/11/20