I'll be sure to add some veiled digs at you when I hit you back, just to make sure the exchange is complete.
I'll be sure to add some veiled digs at you when I hit you back, just to make sure the exchange is complete.
give me all the head pats
Now alls we need is a Demon Overlord Prier as a companion piece~
Looks D-lightful~
How 龍 did this take, eh? (get it? huh? do you get it?)
Ayy I got that LOL Tyy that was great, it took me an hour
two of my favorite things: witches and fire hazards
It's like an alternate storyline where the eraserhead baby grew up and had an eraserhead family.
Man, this really makes me want to do this kinda stuff.
I see a man in the back shooting arrow attacks
His eyes was as red as the sun
And he rips through our force throwing rocks from his horse
Cuz he thinks HE'S the scarlet rot-ton! Oohhhhyeeaaaaah
He's an isometric gamer. He only plays Disgaea and Diablo. This is his room.
Who needs anything else when you have Diablo?
Best girl. I love how she gives you a quest and is then like "but hurry up, I'm sleepy."
Game Artist
Joined on 6/11/20