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Programmers, Still Need Em: Waha Update 9

Posted by Skoops - May 30th, 2024

Howdy Pardners,

The TL;DR up front is that if you're a programmer in Unity, GameMaker, Godot, etc., we might be interested in collabing with you. PM me! Now the details:

So, last time I said we were looking for a Unity programmer to fill-in for our OG - that option is very much still on the table, and if you're one of those that can help us finish Part 2 of Waha's robot saga, hit me up, pretty please. That's still our easiest and fastest option, at least in terms of once the ball is rolling.

That said, (and this is something I expected,) getting the ball rolling is the tough part. It's been a little difficult finding people that are still interested in doing work in Unity nowadays. It was a couple updates ago that I myself basically swore the engine off, thinking that we were going to have a fresh start on Godot. Unity as a corporate entity is too shady, too unpredictable and ultimately not where we want to dump all our skill points. If we're lucky enough to find a Unity programmer to wrap things up, this will still likely be our last project in it.

With that in mind, I'm going to be reaching out to people with Godot and GameMaker experience to see if they're up for building Part 2 from the ground up with us. That would mean a lot of extra work for me too, but I'm obviously up for it. I wanted Waha to end up on one of those engines, regardless.

If you've got the chops but are on the fence about reaching out, lemme engage in some minor bragging to entice you: Every Waha game so far (yes, all two of them) have been award-winners on NG: Panpukin Panic won 3rd place in Stepford's Mobile Jam, and Waha's Robot Daze won 1st prize on Robot Day 2023. If you want to shoot for a slot in NG's Legendary Games category, so do we. Be a part of our upwards trajectory!

Waha thanks you.





If the Waha thing still doesn't work out are you guys going to start a different project?

Since I don't have a hard time limit, I'm gonna say it'll work out one way or another. I've only been looking for people for two weeks, and through pretty narrow channels.
But I am seeing how much of a game I can put together myself in Godot in the meantime; nothing at the same level of complexity, though. I'm giving myself the goal of getting something simple out in a reasonable amount of time for a total novice that may or may not be Waha-related (probably will be).

A lot of online job posts seem to require Unity in addition to Unreal. It still seems to be a program game devs have to learn to get a job, whether they agree with Unity as a corporation or not, so you may be surprised about how many people still at least Unity experience in their resumes. On the other hand, Godot is free AND open-source, plus probably more appealing to the hard-core programmers you seem to want.

Yeah, there are a lot of people out there, it's not like they all disappeared as soon as Unity started its heel turn, but when it comes to the hobby side of things, there are a lot of people that want to move on to other engines. Godot is definitely one of those engines; I've been teaching myself everything I can about it, but I'm cursed when it comes to programming. Give me a step by step tutorial to follow to the letter and I can give you an error message that the internet has never seen before.

So you say you just want someone to wrap things up? Do you have an estimate of how much work that would be?

In a nutshell, we're using everything that was built for Waha's Robot Daze, so there's a full game's worth of mechanics already set up; I'm trying to control the scope of new features to the point where it's more like a modding effort than building a game from scratch.

As far as what I'd like added, on my list are two new piece types, the addition of static 2x2 tile sized enemies, and the rest is just adjusting, removing or replacing existing secondary/tertiary mechanics (for example, game overs in pt1 happen when the ceiling hits a robot piece, when really it should be when Waha runs out of space). Pt.1 took about 3 months, and how long this one takes is really up to whomever wants to come on board. If we're cruising and having fun with it, they can set the scope wider if they want.

@Skoops Funny enough, I've had the same experience attempting to learn programming. Just like art, it seems to require a TON of time and effort to learn, to the point where it seems you can't be both a competent artist and a passable programmer, you kind of have to choose to focus on just one of those because there aren't enough hours in a day. Though there are some genuine geniuses out there that can somehow do both, like the solo developers for Stardew Valley or Axiom Verge, so it doesn't hurt to at least try both specialties when you're young (and not yet in desperate need of a job to pay the bills).

tell that to me 20 years ago x_x

All right @Skoops, I'll give it a go. Please PM me so we can get connected over instant messaging and so I can see the project files

@Skoops I sorry...

hey your forum post is funny, want to be friends or join jedi gang