Wowie Zowie. 500 is a bigger number than I'm accustomed to. This is my face when I saw I got the Big Five Hundo.
I don't post work very often, but I'm glad that when I do, youse guys seem to think it's pretty swell. I think you are swell as well, provided you are one of my Big Five Hundo. You could join my Big Five Hundo, perhaps making it a Bigger Six Hundo. Maybe, someday, my Big Five Hundo could even become the Quite Sizeable Thou. Time will tell.
I will refrain from making any big declarations or commitments at this time because they never age well. I intend to celebrate by grilling a meat and having a beer drink. Thank you all. I am giving you a firm handshake, a confident smile and reassuring eye contact, in spirit.
Congrats my guy!